This week I began shooting footage of the daily events in the storyline of my project. I hope to get most of these done soon, perhaps next week to really get the important plot points shot to add into my project right away to establish a good structure. Currently I have just been capturing and sorting out a lot of my clips. I have also begun examining the larger chunks of footage to create the necessary subclips for insertion into the project where necessary. I feel like once I have those most important scenes captured and placed in my project, I can start editing and progressing a lot faster with Finalcut without worrying. I will continue to conduct interviews as I have been and the rest of my filming and addition should come pretty naturally to develop as I go. I have also gotten a lot of good fencing footage, which may play into my video more or less than I originally thought. For now, I have done some work and gotten a lot of good footage at my disposal to select exactly what I want, whether most of the footage is used or not. I have included a clip here as this is some of the most recent footage I have captured and I promised to include one this week.
Jordan Severson
The fencing footage without sound or with abstract sound could make a powerful point.